Guess Who!?
by Stacy Williams
Hi Y'all (yes I really say Y’all!),
I have been getting emails asking if everything is really handmade? The answer is yes, yes, and yes! I make the pattern for every design and I sew everything myself. When there are so many orders that I can’t sew it myself then I hire local seamstresses to help me out. Nothing is made in a factory! Everything is made once you place the order.
If you would like to know more about what goes into creating handmade clothing OR if you are an avid sewer, like me, check out my YouTube channel: Every week I show you different sewing techniques as well as how to sew various store bought patterns. I will also be doing bimonthly videos answering your questions and featuring various styles. If there is something you have been wondering, or a style you want to know more about, leave me a comment and I will answer your question!
I totally believe in giving back. Besides designing my other dream was to be a teacher and give back to future designers what I learned in NYC. So I also work as a fashion design professor and have hired some of my most promising graduated fashion design students to help me out with the blog. They are real people living and working in the fashion industry so you are getting the inside scoop when you read their blogs! (sorry! I get excited and love to use exclamation points :-)P !)
Every month I promise to also try and write a blog post so that y’all know that I am "still alive" and didn’t get lost under a mound of fabric in my studio lol. In all honesty I just don’t know what to write half of the time. I mean, of course you want to hear about what is in style, what is trending and how to wear it, but what else do you want to know about? Let me know, leave a comment, email me ( , or send me smoke signals! Something. Anything. Lol.
Well, that is all for now. I hope I was able to answer some questions. Thanks for reading and I will see you next month! Stay runway ready my friends.
From Texas with much love, Stacy

Stacy Williams is the owner and designer of the Aesthetik. After many years of working in the NYC fashion industry, she relocated back to her home state of Texas and is now a professor of fashion. She lives in a quiet Houston suburb with her husband, a naked dog, a buff colored tabby cat, and lots of plants.